viernes, 18 de abril de 2014

Animando a ames 2

Darkness: O-O
Shene: O-O
Amy: O.O
Sonic: U.U

Amy: U.U *pensando* Esto es..amor? Tal vez...Sally y Sonic no son novios...y...el es mio! ^3^
Sonic: U.U
Amy: *real* ^3^
Sonic: Amy..?
Amy: Sonikku!!!!!! ^3^ *besándolo*
Darkness: O.O
Shene: O.O
Sonic: :D
Amy : ^3^ *pensando* Pero..las fotos..Sally..el no me pertenece..
 Sonic: Ames!! yo..
Amy: eres mio..yo soy..horrenda..tu ser lindo..y eres novio de Sally..U-U
Sonic: QUE?! NO AMES..
Amy: No eres mio..y nunca lo seras..por mi horrenda cara T-T
Sonic: Casi..U.U
Darkness: ALEJATE DE ELLA!!!! >.<
Sonic: Quien eres? O.O
Darkness: DÉJALA EN PAZ!!! *empezando a brillar de ira*
Sonic: O.O

Darkness: Lárgate..
Sonic: PERO..
Darkness: UNO..
Sonic: Eso no pasa conmigo ¬¬
Darkness: DOS...
Sonic: ¬¬
Darkness: No me obligues niño..
Sonic: No me importa ¬¬
Darkness: Tu lo pediste...TRES!!!! 
Sonic: ¬¬
Darkness: DARK INFINITY!! *apareciendo "niebla" (por así´decirlo) en el cielo*
Sonic: Que fue eso? O.o
Darkness: Vayan llendose chicas..*avanzando hacia Sonic*
Shene: O.Ó
Darkness: VETE!!!
Shene: ¬¬*** *se va con Amy*
Amy: ¬¬ *pensando* Que..pasara con Sonic? O.O
Darkness: Es tu fin erizo >:)
Sonic: He oído eso muchas veces ¬¬
Darkness: Pero esta es la definitiva >:) *dejándose tapar con la niebla*
Sonic: O.O Donde..?
Dakrness: *apareciendo detrás suyo* SORPRESA! *atacándolo*
Sonic: AUCH!! *cayendo de bruces al piso*
Darkness: Y ahora que me dices..? *desapareciendo otra vez*
Sonic: Auch! >.T 
Darkness: *apareciendo y golpeando a Sonic*
Sonic: Auch! Eso duele >.<
Sonic: O-O
Darkness: *desapareciendo*
Sonic: O.O
Darkness: *tirando a Sonic al piso*
Sonic: >.o
Darkness: Es tu fin >:) *preparándose para el golpe final*
Sonic: >.<
¿?: *tirando al suelo a Darkness*
Darkness: Auch! NIÑA TONTA!
¿?: Para tu información soy Jazmin, Jazmin the Fox ^3^
Jazmin: >,<
¿?: *lanzandole una bola de luz* 
Darkness: AUCH!
Jazmin: Aurora ¬3¬
Aurora: Hola Jazmin ¬¬
Jazmin: Que pasa? O.o
Jazmin: Dijiste que te gustaba el ¬3¬
Aurora: ¬¬******
Sonic: >.T
Darkness: *se va*
Aurora: Estas bien? O.O
Jazmin: O-O
Sonic: Si..gracias ^^
Aurora: Y tu quien eres? o.o
Sonic: Yo soy Sonic the Hedgehog, el erizo más rápido del mundo.. ¬3¬
Jazmin: Presumido ¬¬
Sonic: Y tu que? ¬3¬
Jazmin: Yo? O-O
Sonic: Te ves tan..dulce y adorable ^^
Aurora: O-O
Jazmin: Que me dijiste...?
Sonic: Ternurita ^3^ *jalandole los cachetes*
Jazmin: AHORA SI! *sacando su espada* 
Sonic: O-O *corriendo*
Jazmin: PAGARAS SONIC THE HEDGEHOG! *persiguiéndolo*

Aurora: -.-U *siguiéndola*

Con los demás

Chicas: AMY!! *por un lado*
Chicos: AMY!!! *por el otro*
Cream: Esto es inútil -.-
Valeria: Tengo hambre T-T
Mía: Tragona ¬¬
Leonard: Yo también T-T
Todos: O-O
Mia: ^^U
Rouge: Esperen..que es..eso?
Todos: SONIC!
Sonic: AYUDA!!! T-T *escondiendose detrás de Blaze*
Silver: ¬¬****
Jazmin: SONIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sonic: >-<
Jazmin: PAGARAS POR ESO! *a punto de matarlo*
Sonic: T-T
Todos: xD
Sonic: ¬¬
Blaze: Fue lo único que se me ocurrió ^^U
Sonic: -.-
Rouge: Todos queremos matarlo..pero porque ahora?
Jazmin: Me llamo tierna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Sonic: Pero lo es T-T
Jazmin: ¬¬**********************************
Rouge: Pues..bueno, luego te ayudamos a matarlo >:)
Sonic: Tu porque?!
Sonic: Otra vez con eso ¬¬U
Rouge: ¬¬***
Aurora: Jazmin..
Jazmin: Si? ¬¬
Aurora: Podemos ir a divertirnos ahora si? :3
Jazmin: Yo..
Aurora: ^^
Jazmin: ¬¬
Roxy: Lo siento Sara, pero tenemos que..BUSCAR A AMY!
Sara: >3<
Sonic: Se donde esta ^^
Todos: DONDE?!
Sonic: Estaba con unas chicas..emos..
Todos: O.o
Sonic: Se fueron por aya *señalando el lugar*
Maria: VAMOS! *corriendo hacia allí*
Todos: ^^

Con Amy

Amy: U-U
Shene: Estas bien?
Amy: fea T-T
Darkness: Otra vez con eso? ¬¬
Amy: Es la verdad U.U
Shene: Eres linda Amy ^^
Amy: Quisiera decir gracias...pero se que mientes..
Shene: :/
Darkness: Hey! y que tal si entramos allí? *señalando un club nocturno* 
Shene: O-O
Amy: Como quieras..*caminando hacia allí*
Darkness: *siguiendo a Amy*
Shene: U.U *siguiéndolas*

Con Sonic

Sonic: Por allí..*caminando*
Rouge: No veo nada -.-
Glace: Te equivocaste amigo :/
Shadow: Idiota ¬¬
Knuckles: Vamos! aun podemos divertirnos ^^
Blaze: Divertirnos donde? ¬¬
Jazmin: Digo lo mismo ¬¬
Sara: ALLÍ!!!!!!!!!!! *señalando el club*
Mighty: ES GRANDIOSO!! *O*
Aurora: DIVERSIÓN!!! *O*
Knuckles: De eso hablaba ¬3¬
Rouge: Por primera vez..te concedo esta ^^
Knuckles: *O*
Rouge: No te pongas así ¬////¬
Knuckles: ¬////¬
Sonic: No lo se :/
Silver: Vamos Sonic, será divertido ^^
Valeria: Y HABRÁ PAPITAS!!! *O*
Roxy: COMIDA!!!!
Glace: No crees que estas ya muy gorda? ¬¬
Sara: Yo le digo lo mismo ¬3¬
Roxy: ¬¬****
Sara: xD
Glace: xD
Todos: ^^U
Sonic: Bueno...
Sonic: :/ *siguiendolos*

Con Amy

Amy: *sentándose en una mesa*
Darkness: Y que hacemos?
Darkness: Piensa en algo sabelotodo ¬¬
Shene: ¬¬**
Amy: Quiero tomar algo T-T
Darkness: Como quieras *llamando a un mozo*
Shene: Segura que quieres tomar..licor? O.o
Amy: Quien hablo de licor? quiero limonada T-T
Shene: ^^U
Darkness: ¬¬U
Shene: No me culpen, soy la mayor ¬¬
Las 2: ¬¬U

Con Sonic

Todos: *sentándose en unas mesas*
Sonic: Y ahora que? ¬¬
Rouge: Que tal si..*O* KARAOKE!
Sonic: O-O *leyendo un gran cartel de KARAOKE*
Rouge: YO EMPIEZO *corriendo hacia el escenario*
Todos: ^^U

Con......el Team Crazy

Summer: Ice, mira este lindo lugar ^^
Ice: Quieres entrar?
Summer: Shi :3 *entrando*
Alizze: No piensan olvidarnos otra vez no?!
Danny: Ya perdimos a Shene ^^U
Summer: Shene no importa ¬¬
Ice: Pero es nuestra amig-..
Summer: ¬¬*****
Ice: ^^U
Summer: Bueno, entramos chicos?

Alizze: Si insistes ¬3¬
Danny: Primero los jovenes!!
Danny: ¬¬U
Alizze: ^^U
Todos: *entran al club*

Con Amy

Amy: *tirada en toda la mesa*
Shene: Mira, hay karaoke ^^
Darkness: ¬¬
Shene: ¬¬
Amy: Y ella..Rouge O.O
Rouge: *parada en el escenario*
Rouge: ^^

Amy: O-Ó
Shene: O.Ó
Darkness: ¬¬

You say that I'm messing with your head (yeah, yeah, yeah, 


All 'cause I was making out with your friend (yeah, yeah, 

yeah, yeah) 
Love hurts whether it's right or wrong (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) 
I can't stop 'cause I'm having too much fun (yeah, yeah, 
yeah, yeah) 

You're on your knees 
Begging please 
Stay with me 
But honestly 
I just need to be a little crazy 

All my life I've been good but now, I'm thinking what the hell 
All I want is to mess around and I don't really care about 
If you love me, if you hate me, you can't save me, baby, baby 
All my life I've been good but now, whoa, what the hell 

What... what... what... What the hell? 

So what if I go out on a million dates (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) 
You never call or listen to me anyway (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) 
I rather rage than sit around and wait all day (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) 
Don't get me wrong. I just need some time to play-ay (yeah, 
yeah, yeah, yeah) 

You're on your knees 
Begging please 
Stay with me 
But honestly 
I just need to be a little crazy 

All my life I've been good but now, I'm thinking what the hell 
All I want is to mess around and I don't really care about 
If you love me, if you hate me 
You can save me, baby, baby 
All my life I've been good but now, whoa, what the hell 

La la la la la la la la... Woah... Woah... 
La la la la la la la la... Woah... Woah... 

You say that I'm messing with your head 
Boy, I like messing in your bed 
Yeah, I am messing with your head 
When I'm messing with you in bed 

All my life I've been good but now, I'm thinking what the 
hell (what the hell) 
All I want is to mess around and I don't really care about 
(I don't care about) 

All my life I've been good but now, I'm thinking what the hell 
All I want is to mess around and I don't really care about. 
(if you love me) 
If you love me (no), if you hate me (no) 
You can save me, baby, baby (if you love me) 
All my life I've been good but now, whoa, what the hell 

La la, La la la la la la, La la, La la la la la la la

Todos (los del lugar): *aplaudiendo y gritando*
Rouge: ^3^
Todos: O.O
Amy: O.O
Knuckles: O//////O
Shene: Sigo yo..*viendo que el Team Crazy entraba*
Rouge: *bajando del escenario*
Todos: Genial ^^
Rouge: Quien es la siguiente ¬3¬
Summer: *atragantandose con su gaseosa* QUE??!!
Ice: O-O
Alizze: Wow..Shene..
Danny: VAMOS SHENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Summer: *lanzandole una mirada de muerte a Danny*
Danny: ¬¬U

Hey hey 
You you 

I don't like your girlfriend 

No way no way 

I think you need a new one 
Hey hey 
You you 
I could be your girlfriend 

Hey hey 

You you 

I know that you like me 
No way no way 
You know it's not a secret 
Hey hey 
You you 
I want to be your girlfriend 

You're so fine 

I want you mine 

You're so delicious 
I think about you all the time 
You're so addictive 
Don't you know what I can do to make you feel all right? 

Don't pretend 

I think you know I'm damn precious 

And how, yeah, I'm the motherfucking princess 
I can tell you like me too 
And you know I'm right 


She's like so whatever 

You can do so much better 
I think we should get together now 
And that's what everyone's talking about 


Hey hey 

You you 
I don't like your girlfriend 
No way no way 
I think you need a new one 
Hey hey 
You you 
I could be your girlfriend 

Hey hey 

You you 

I know that you like me 
No way no way 
You know it's not a secret 
Hey hey 
You you 
I want to be your girlfriend 

I can see the way I see 

The way you look at me 

And even when you look away 
I know you think of me 
I know you talk about me all the time 
Again and again 

So come over here 

Tell me what I wanna hear 

That I'll, yeah, make your girlfriend disappear 
I don't wanna hear you say her name ever again 
And again and again and again 


She's like so whatever 

And you can do so much better 
I think we should get together now 
And that's what everyone's talking about 


Hey hey 

You you 
I don't like your girlfriend 
No way no way 
I think you need a new one 
Hey hey 
You you 
I could be your girlfriend 

Hey hey 

You you 

I know that you like me 
No way no way 
You know it's not a secret 
Hey hey 
You you 
I want to be your girlfriend 


In a second you'll be wrapped around my finger 

Cause I can 
Cause I can do it better 
There's no other 
So when it's gonna sink in? 
She's so stupid 
What the hell were you thinking? 


In a second you'll be wrapped around mt finger 

Cause I can 
Cause I can do it better 
There's no other 
So when it's gonna sink in? 
She's so stupid 
What the hell were you thinking? 

Hey hey 

You you 

I don't like your girlfriend 
No way no way 
I think you need a new one 
Hey hey 
You you 
I could be your girlfriend 
No way, no way 

Hey hey 

You you 

I know that you like me 
No way no way 
You know it's not a secret 
Hey hey 
You you 
I want to be your girlfriend 
No way, no way 

Hey hey 

You you 

I don't like your girlfriend 
No way no way 
I think you need a new one 
Hey hey 
You you 
I could be your girlfriend 
No way, no way 

Hey you... 

No way... 

Hey you... 
No way no way 
Hey hey!

Presentador: SHENE THE WOLF!!!!!!!!!!!
Danny: *aplaudiendo* GENIAL SHENE!!!!!
Alizze: See..estupendo ^^U
Ice: O-OU
Summer: SHENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shene: *sentandose al lado de Amy* ¬3¬
Amy: Buena canción ^^
Shene: Hey! sonreiste!
Amy: Yo? ...nunca sonrio ¬¬
Shene: ¬3¬
Todos: *mirando hacia donde Cream estaba sentada..hacia unos segundos*
Cream: Hola chicos ^^
Todos: O.o

I threw i whish in the well 
Don’t ask me, i’ll never tell 
I Looked to you as it fell, 
And now you’re in my way 

I trade my soul for a wish 
Pennies and dimes for a kiss 
I wasn’t looking for this, 
But now you’re in my way 

Your stare was holdin 
Ripped jeans, skin was showin 
Hot night, wind was blowin 
Where you think you’re going baby? 

Hey, i just met you and thi is crazy 
But here’s my number so call me, maybe 
It’s hard to look right at you baby 
But here’s my number so call me, maybe 

Hey, i just met you and thi is crazy 
But here’s my number so call me, maybe 
And all the oter boys try to chase me 
But here’s my number so call me, maybe 

You took your time with the call 
I took no time whit the fall 
You gabe me nothing at all 
But stille, you’re in my way 

I beg and borrow and steal 
Have foresight and it’s real 
I didn’t know i would feel it 
But is’t in my way 

Your stare was holdin 
Ripped jeans, skin was showin 
Hot night, wind was blowin 
Where you think you’re going baby? 

Hey, i just met you and thi is crazy 
But here’s my number so call me, maybe 
It’s hard to look right at you baby 
But here’s my number so call me, maybe 

Hey, i just met you and thi is crazy 
But here’s my number so call me, maybe 
And all the oter boys try to chase me 
But here’s my number so call me, maybe 

Befote you came into my life 
I missed you so, bad 
I missed you so, bad 
I missed you so, so bad 

Befote you came into my life 
I missed you so, bad 
And you should know that 
I missed you so, so bad 

It’s hard to look right at you baby 
But here’s my number so call me, maybe 

Hey, i just met you and thi is crazy 
But here’s my number so call me, maybe 
And all the oter boys try to chase me 
But here’s my number so call me, maybe 

Befote you came into my life 
I missed you so, bad 
I missed you so, bad 
I missed you so, so bad 

Befote you came into my life 
I missed you so, bad 
And you should know that 


Todos: *O*
Cream: *baja y se sienta junto a Tails*
Tails: ^///^
: Y ahora quien ira? O.o
Valeria: Yo creo saber quien ira ¬3¬
Blaze: QUIEN?! ¬¬
Valeria: Cierta gatita morada ¬3¬
Blaze: Esta Icy
Icy: O.o
Valeria: Me referia a la mayor ¬3¬
Icy: ¬3¬
Blaze: Como si me convencieran de subir alla arriba ¬¬
*5 minutos después*
Blaze: *metida en la bolsa*
Valeria: Bien hecho! *chocando manos con Icy*
Icy: ^^ *lanzando la bolsa al centro del escenario*
Presentador: AL PARECER TENEMOS OTRA CHICA MÁS!! Que vino voluntariamente ^^U
Blaze: ¬¬U *saliendo de la bolsa*
Icy: Esta bien ^^ te ayudo :3
Todos: ^^U

Youre callin` me more than 
Ever now that were done 

Two keys back to my place, 

We were havin` no fun 

But your not ok, telling me you 
Miss my face 
I remember when you would 
Say you hate my waist 

I said i` m not coming back, 

Its it 

You fooled me once but you 
Cant have that ego turning 
Jus to bad for you, that when 
You had me 
Didn`t know what to do, hands 
Over you 

Cause you had a good girl, 

Good girl, girl 

That’s a keeper, k-k-k-k keeper 
You had had a good girl, good girl but 
Didn`t know how to treat her, 
t-t-t-t treat her ( treat her) 
so silly boy get out my face (my face) 

why do you like the way 

regrets taste? 

So silly boy get out my hair my hair 
(get outta here) 
Ni I don`t want you no 
More ( get outta here) 

Silly boy ( silly boy) 

Why you acting silly boy? 

Silly boy, boy (boy, boy) 
Acting, acting silly boy? 

You comin`with those corny lines 

Can`t live without me 

I`ll get some flowers for the day 
That you are buried 
Ni, people make mistakes 
But I just think your ass is fake 
Only thing I want from you, i 
For you to (stay away) 

I said i` m not coming back, 

Its it 

You fooled me once but you 
Cant have that ego turning 
Jus to bad for you, that when 
You had me 
Didn`t know what to do, hands 
Over you 

Cause you had a good girl, 

Good girl, girl 

That’s a keeper, k-k-k-k keeper 
You had had a good girl, good girl but 
Didn`t know how to treat her, 
t-t-t-t treat her ( treat her) 
so silly boy get out my face (my face) 

why do you like the way 

regrets taste? 

So silly boy get out my hair my hair 
(get outta here= 
Ni I don`t want you no 
More ( get outta here) 

No more, no more! 

No more, no more, 


So silly boy get out my face ( my face) 

Why do you like the way regrets taste? 

So silly boy get out my hair my hair 
( get outta here) 
No I don`t want you no more ( get outta here)

Todos: *O*
Silver: ¬////////¬
Blaze: *bajando*
Icy: ^^ *siguiendola*
Maria: YO SIGO!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Shadow: O-O
Presentador: MARIA THE HEDGEHOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

 The day I first met you 
You told me you never fall in love 

But now that I get you 

I know fear is what it really was 

Now here we are, so close, yet so far 
Having not past the tense. 
When will you realize 
Baby im not like the rest 

Don't wanna break your heart 
Wanna give your heart a break 
I know you're scared is wrong 
I think i might make a mistake 
Theres just one night to live 
And theres no time to wait (to wait) 
So let me give your heart a break, your heart a break 
Let me give your heart a break , your heart a break 
Theres just so much you can take, give your heart a break 
Let me give your heart a break, your heart a break 
(i will give you) 

On Sunday, you went home alone, 
There was tears in your eyes, 
I called your cell phone, my love, 
But you did not reply 
The world is ours if we want it, 
We can take it, if you just take my hand, 
Theres no turn back now 
Maybe try to understand 

Don't wanna break your heart 
Wanna give your heart a break 
I know you're scared is wrong 
I think i might make a mistake 
Theres just one night to live 
And theres no time to wait (to wait) 
So let me give your heart a break, your heart a break, 
Let me give your heart a break , your heart a break 
Theres just so much you can take, give your heart a break 
Let me give your heart a break, your heart a break 
(i will give you) 

When your lips are on my lips 
Then our hearts beat as one, 
But you slip out of my finger tips 
Everytime you run 

Don't wanna break your heart, 
Wanna give your heart a break, 
I know you're scared is wrong, 
I think i might make a mistake 
Theres just one night to live, 
And theres no time to wait (to wait) 
So let me give your heart a break, 
'cause you've been hurt before, 
I can see it in your eyes 
You try to smile it away, 
Some things you can't disguise 
Dont wanna break your heart, I can ease the ache (the ache) 
So let me give your heart a break,give your heart a break, 
Let me give your heart a break, give your heart a break, 
Theres just so much you can take, give your heart a break, 
Let me give your heart a break, give your heart a break 
(i will give you) 

The day I first met you 
You told me you never fall in love

Todos: *mirando a Shadow*
Shadow: ¬////////////¬
Maria: *sentandose junto a el*
Cream: Y ahora quie-..
Sonic: Yo ire..*levantandose*
Todos: O-O

Con Amy

Shene: Y esos son tus "amigos"
Amy: Seee, menos el..azul..
Shene: No estaba allí? O.o
Shene: O-O
Amy: Vamonos..*levantandose*
Sonic: Dedicada para Amy te vayas..soo una canción más..
Amy: O//////O
Todos: ESTA AQUI?!

You´re insecure
Don’t know what for 
You’re turning heads 
When you walk through the do-o-or 
Don’t need make up 
To cover up 
Being the way that you are is en-o-ough 
Everyone else in the room can see it 
Everyone else but you 
Baby you light up my world like nobody else 
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed 
But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell 
You don’t know oh oh 
You don’t know you’re beautiful 
If only you saw what I can see 
You’ll understand why I want you so desperately 
Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe 
You don’t know oh oh 
You don’t know you’re beautiful 
Oh oh 
That’s what makes you beautiful
So c-come on 
You got it wrong 
To prove I’m right I put it in a so-o-ong 
I don’t know why 
You’re being shy 
And turn away when I look into your ey-e-es. 
Everyone else in the room can see it 
Everyone else but you 
Baby you light up my world like nobody else 
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed 
But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell 
You don’t know oh oh
You don’t know you’re beautiful 
If only you saw what I can see 
You’ll understand why I want you so desperately 
Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe 
You don’t know oh oh 
You don’t know you’re beautiful 
Oh oh
That’s what makes you beautiful 
Na na na na na na naaaa na na 
Na na na na na na 
Na na na na na na naaaa na na 
Na na na na na na 
Baby you light up my world like nobody else 
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed 
But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell 
You don’t know oh oh 
You don’t know you’re beautiful 
Baby you light up my world like nobody else 
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed 
But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell 
You don’t know oh oh 
You don’t know you’re beautiful 
If only you saw what I can see 
You’ll understand why I want you so desperately 
Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe
You don’t know oh oh 
You don’t know you’re beautiful 
Oh oh oh 
You don’t know you’re beautiful 
Oh oh oh 
That’s what makes you beautiful

Presentador: Wow..ESO FUE SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!!!!
Todos..o mejor dicho..Todas: AHHH!!! *O*
Amy: *¬*
Todos: ^^
Sonic: Amy..
Amy: Sonic..
Sonic: U3U *preparándose para besarla*
Amy: ^^ *tomando un micrófono*
Sonic: U3O
Amy: *en el escenario* 

It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters
And make fun of our exes, uh uh uh uh
It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight
To fall in love with strangers uh uh uh uh
We're happy free confused and lone at the same time
It's miserable and magical oh yeah
Tonight's the night when we forget about the deadlines, it's time uh uh

I don't know about you but im feeling 22
Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you
You don't know about me but I bet you want to
Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're 22, 22

It seems like one of those nights
This place is too crowded too many cool kids
It seems like one of those nights
We ditch the whole scene and end up dreaming instead of sleeping
We're happy free confused and lone in the best way
It's miserable and magical oh yeah
Tonight's the night when we forget about the heartbreaks, it's time uh uh

I don't know about you but im feeling 22
Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you
You don't know about me but I bet you want to
Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're 22, 22

I don't know about you, 22, 22

It feels like one of those nights
We ditch the whole scene
It feels like one of those nights
We won't be sleeping
It feels like one of those nights
You look like bad news I gotta have you, I gotta have you

I don't know about you but im feeling 22
Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you
You don't know about me but I bet you want to
Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're 22, 22

Dancing like 22, yeah, 22, yeah yeah

It feels like one of those nights
We ditch the whole scene
It feels like one of those nights
We won't be sleeping
It feels like one of those nights
You look like bad news I gotta have you, I gotta have you

Presentador: O-O
Todos: O-O
Todos, todos: O-O
Sonic: O-O
Amy: O,O
Sonic: ...AMES!!!! *se lanza encima de ella*
Amy: Sonikku ^^
Sonic: ^3^
Amy: ^3^
Sonic: Una más?
Amy: Sip ^^


I like a woman with a future in the past
A little attitude prob all good it'll make the shit last
Don't make it too easy girl, don't take it too fast
Yeah, that's it, right there, that's it
Do it just like that
Only you could it just like that
And I love it when your hair's still wet
Cause you just took a shower
Running on a trail, millioni salad
Sounds so smart, like you graduated college
Like you went to yale, but you probably went to I would know you
Weekend in miami, tryina study by the pool
Couple things do, but you always get it done
Mighta been a time when I loved her too
But you take that away, you always been the one
One, I wonder why the moon looks nice girl
Maybe it's just right for the night
You said niggas come home, too strong girl
They want you in their life as a wife
That's why you wanna have no sex
Why you wanna protest, why you wanna fight for your right
Cause you don't love them boys, pussy run anything
Fuck that noise.

I know things get hard
But girl you got it, girl you got it there you go
Can't you tell at how they're looking at you everywhere you go
Wondering what's on your mind, it must be hard to be that fine, when all these motherfuckers wanna waste your time
It's just amazing, girl, and all I can say is...

I'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so
I'm so proud of you
I'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so
I'm so proud of you
I'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so
I'm so proud of you
Everything’s adding up, you've been through hell and back
That's why you're bad as fuck and you... 

B-b-b-bet I am
All of them bitches I’m better then
Mansions in Malibu babblin
And I never mention everything I dabble in
And I always buy? slow when I’m straddlin’
And my shit’s so good you gotta paddle in
Gotta ro-ro-row, gotta row ya boat
It’s Pink Friday.. and OVO
Popped out, I’m the realest deal, best legal team so the deals is ill
It’s Mac, OPI and a fragrance too
Apparal, I’m dominating every avenue
Couple stone, good view, lil gravel too
Gotta pay for the entourage travel too
Cause I’m fli-fli-flying high
Aint got time to talk, just Hi and bye

Baby you can ask me to take a break
I’ll give it all away, don’t care what the people say
I’ll be a million, billion, trillion miles away

He asked my sign, I said a Sagg’
I’m a star, Sheriff badge,
Whats the point? If I’m guardin’
Double D up hoes, Dolly Parton 

I know things get hard
But girl you got it, girl you got it there you go
Can't you tell at how they're looking at you everywhere you go
Wondering what's on your mind, it must be hard to be that fine, when all these motherfuckers wanna waste your time
It's just amazing, girl, and all I can say is...

I'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so
I'm so proud of you
I'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so
I'm so proud of you
I'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so
I'm so proud of you
Everything’s adding up, you've been through hell and back
That's why you're bad as fuck and you know you are

I'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so
I'm so proud of you
I'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so
I'm so proud of you
I'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so, i'm so
I'm so proud of you
Everything’s adding up, you've been through hell and back
That's why you're bad as fuck and you know you are. 

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